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The call for proposals is now closed.

A Challenge to You:   Gearing Up for the “New Normal”

“A Call for Papers”

by Gerry Begeman, Chair, SIEC-ISBE Professional Development Committee

As we enter a new year, plan new events, schedule new meetings, and attend to continuing--yet new--professional development, we challenge you to be a part of a great growth opportunity in so many ways by participating in our annual SIEC-ISBE conference!   I am often reminded of Steven Covey’s comment on career and professional development when reading his words:  “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”   Each of us can also decide to be the rudder on that ship of fate which is our journey that takes us to those new destinations along the way.   I challenge YOU to attend, and not only attend, but be a part and an active participant in creating your “New Normal” at our annual Conference this year.   Please note the deadlines below.

The SIEC-ISBE 2024 International Conference is our 95th Annual Conference.  It will be held at Illinois State University, College of Business, in Normal, Illinois, USA.  Keynote speakers and professional development sessions will abound.  There are many opportunities to attend a variety of professional offerings during the conference.  

We are seeking proposals for several categories, including workshops, presentations, posters, panelists, and full-paper research presentations.

Submission Instructions:
Proposals for workshops, presentations, posters, or to be a panel member should be via the online submission as posted on the website. Please use this
form. The deadline to submit is April 30, 2024. Alternatively, a SIEC ISBE member can contact their local SIEC ISBE professional development committee member for assistance. 
The Reviewers’ Board of the PDC Committee will evaluate the submissions and select those for inclusion in the conference program 2024. Notification of this decision will be made by May 30, 2024. For more information, please contact Gerry Begeman, PDC Chair, , or your country’s national PDC member, or Dana Gray, PDC Review Committee Call for Papers Coordinator.

Click here to submit a proposal

The deadline to submit is April 30, 2024.
Presentation Requirements:

  • Can address the conference theme or related topics relevant for business educators—research track (full paper research topics) and teaching practicum track—please specify clearly in your submission.
  • Limited to a 45-minute session                 
  • Is a topic of immediate interest to participants
  • Consists of a presentation (between 30 and 40 minutes) and discussion
  • Can be used as a round table from different countries to present a shared project

Workshop Requirements:

  • Must address the conference theme 
  • Limited to a 75-minute session                 
  • Consists of an introduction, discussion, and/or activity
  • Is an interactive session
  • Provides 20 - 30 minutes for an overview with the remainder of the session being an interactive activity.  Participants are expected to be involved.

Poster Requirements:

  • Can be research- or practice-based
  • May be from an educational institution and provide information about programs or projects
  • Should be a topic that is of immediate interest to the participants
  • Include a short introduction with a poster session.

Professional Development Panelist Requirements:

  • Poses opportunities and challenges in aspects of artificial intelligence as relevant to teaching—may include policies, regulations, legal issues, project ideas, etc. 
  • Presents for 5-10 minutes, plus time is allowed for taking audience questions
  • Is an interactive session
  • Is limited to a 60-minute session for a maximum of five panelists chosen
  • May present challenges and solutions for effectively foreseeing changes in policy, regulations, legislation, and how faculty and schools may need to alter teaching techniques, evaluation, etc.  
  • Due to time restrictions, plans now are for only one panel - the topic being teaching tips and artificial intelligence.

The deadline to submit a full paper for consideration is February 29, 2024.  A decision will be made by April 15, 2024.

Full-Paper Research Presentations:

  • Must follow the overall conference theme.  Papers related to artificial intelligence, disruptive technologies, virtual reality, engagement, societal impact, and similar topics will be given first consideration.
  • May submit a completed research project following the submission guidelines for the International Journal for Business Education or submit an extended abstract (include objective, methods, results, conclusions, and bibliography).  Submission guidelines for full papers can be found here.
  • If submitting a structured abstract, you will be expected to submit the full paper no later than October 1, 2024, for publication consideration in the special Conference Edition of the International Journal for Business Education.
    • To learn more about structured abstracts, visit this link from the University of Melbourne or this link from the IEEE Professional Communication Society. 
    • Only full papers submitted by the submission deadline of February 29, 2024 will be considered for the Empirical Research Award at the Conference.
    • All accepted papers will be published in a special Conference Edition of the International Journal for Business Education.
  • Full papers must be submitted using this submission link.

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